141 Bassett Lane, Hyannis, MA 02601 • (508) 790-6345

Policies & Procedures

Adult/Senior Members

(Age 18+)

  • Use of Track, Gymnasium and Game Room during scheduled hours
  • Adults are only allowed in the Youth Center, Computer Lab, and Gymnasium during Adult Times and/or while supervising an accompanied child.

Teen/Child Members

(Ages 10-18)

  • Use of Track, Gymnasium and Game Room during scheduled hours.
  • Children ages 13 and under are not allowed to use the Track without adult supervision
  • Children under the age of 10 are to be supervised by an adult at all times.
  • We ask all parents/guardians to please be aware of the end times of our programming and help us by picking up your children in a timely fashion.

General Rules and Policies

  • Loitering is prohibited inside the Hyannis Youth & Community Center.
  • Smoking and/or use of any type of tobacco product on HYCC grounds is prohibited.
  • Members who have checked into the facility must be either in the Gymnasium, Game Room or Track. No roaming of hallways, and/or rink seating areas.
  • Membership tag must be on your person at all times and are checked throughout the day. Those without their card will be asked to purchase a day pass or leave.
  • No Food or Drink allowed in the Gymnasium, Game Room & Track.
  • Wear only Non-Marking shoes on Gymnasium Floor.
  • The Hyannis Youth & Community Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to insure that there will be a safe and healthy environment for all Hyannis Youth and Community Center activities. Levels of violation will determine the range of responses that can be taken. Following are the levels of violation currently defined:

Term 1: MOST SERIOUS VIOLATION: Possession or use of a firearm, knife or other dangerous object. Possession is defined as an individual having the prohibited object on their person, or in their personal belongings, such as a coat, backpack or purse.

Term 2: SERIOUS VIOLATION: Possession, use, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol (possession is defined as an individual having the prohibited object on their person, or in their personal belongings, such as a coat, backpack or purse); physical abuse of others; vandalism or damaging or defacing any property such as building, equipment, furniture or other articles belonging to the Hyannis Youth and Community Center, Town of Barnstable Recreation Division or other people; stealing, or; repeated occurrences of Other Violation (below) indicating a pattern of unacceptable behavior.

Term 3: OTHER VIOLATION: Threatening or intimidating actions towards others; disrespect, rudeness or "talking back" to someone in authority; sexual harassment; use of racial or ethnic slurs; use of inappropriate language or cursing, or; possession or use of tobacco by an individual under the age of 18 years. Possession is defined as an individual having the prohibited object on their person, or in their personal belongings, such as a coat, backpack or purse.

The following disciplinary rules apply depending on the violation:

An individual who commits a MOST SERIOUS VIOLATION, or any other violation, may, at the discretion of the General Manager of the Hyannis Youth & Community Center, be banned permanently from the Hyannis Youth & Community Center and all activities sponsored by other agencies but are being held at the Hyannis Youth & Community Center.

An individual who commits a SERIOUS VIOLATION or OTHER VIOLATION may, at the discretion of the General Manager of the Hyannis Youth & Community Center, be suspended from the Hyannis Youth and Community Center and all activities sponsored by other agencies but are at being held at the Hyannis Youth & Community Center, for a period of time up to and/or above the number of days specified below:


In addition to the above, an individual who commits a SERIOUS VIOLATION may be suspended from holding office in any club or from employment by the Hyannis Youth and Community Center for one year.

If evidence is presented to the General Manager of the Hyannis Youth & Community Center by a suspended individual that counseling and/or treatment, appropriate to the violation committed, has been instituted or completed, the length of the suspension may be reduced at the discretion of the General Manager of the Hyannis Youth & Community Center.

Health and Safety

  • Shirts and Shoes must be worn at all times throughout the Hyannis Youth and Community Center. It is strongly recommended that all members, guests, and users have a medical examination prior to utilizing the Youth Center. Patrons participate in recreational activities at their own risk. Patrons are encouraged to obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to participating in any physical activity.
  • If alarm sounds, all users must exit immediately. Fire drills will be held regularly to ensure that all members and guests are aware of emergency procedures. During an evacuation, everyone is asked to remain calm and cooperate fully with staff. Pulling a fire alarm falsely is strictly prohibited and is punishable under law.
  • All Youth Center members and guests are responsible for maintaining a safe environment. Cooperation of everyone is necessary to ensure the Youth Center operates properly. Youth Center staff reserve the right to refuse service to any member and/or guest who engage in verbal and/or physical abuse of other members, guests or staff.
  • Activity that is destructive or appears to be unsafe is prohibited and will result in retribution of repair costs and expenses relating to the destructive act. All injuries (minor and major) sustained within the Youth Center and any unsafe conditions must be reported to the nearest staff member immediately.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of the Hyannis Youth and Community Center may result in suspension, and/or revocation from the building and/or the membership.

Dress and Appearance

The following attire is prohibited while visiting or attending programs, classes or special events at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center.

  • Clothing adorned with sexually suggestive slogans, profanity, lewd pictures or that which is offensive to a religion, race or national origin.
  • Clothing that is identifiable with any gang or group/cult.
  • Clothing or jewelry that promotes alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons or other harmful substances or clothing or jewelry that promotes disruptive and demoralizing values which are inconsistent with and counter-productive to recreation.